Matrix Math Function Procedures * I is integer. * L is long integer. * S is single-precision floating point. * D is double-precision floating point. * C is currency. Addition -------- MatAddI% MatAddL% MatAddS% MatAddD% MatAddC% Finds the sum of two matrixes whose row and column dimensions are identical. Subtraction ----------- MatSubI% MatSubL% MatSubS% MatSubD% MatSubC% Finds the difference between two matrixes whose row and column dimensions are identical. Multiplication -------------- MatMultI% MatMultL% MatMultS% MatMultD% MatMultC% Finds the product of two matrixes where the first matrix has the same number of columns as the second matrix has rows. Determinant ----------- MatDetI% MatDetL% MatDetS% MatDetD% MatDetC% Finds the determinant of a square matrix. Inverse ------- MatInvS% MatInvD% MatInvC% Finds the multiplicative inverse of a square matrix, if one exists; that is, if the determinant is not equal to 0. Gaussian elimination -------------------- MatSEqnS% MatSEqnD% MatSEqnC% Uses Gaussian elimination to solve, if a solution exists, a system of linear equations contained in a square matrix and a vector.